Tuesday, March 13, 2012


so i know isabel marant started the whole sneaker trend with her hidden wedge sneaks, but i personally don't really like those original ones. i think the wedge looks weird and the sneaks end up looking midgety and stunted. i do, however, like sandro's spin on the trend with their albatorocks (pictured below). i think the studs make them especially caaj and cool (i mean we at the the styleruminative always appreciate a good stud). what i don't like though is that they are priced at a whopping six hundo which seems rather aggressive for a pair of sneaks, esp by sandro - given that the isabel marant ones retail at only $80 more. i know my finance skillz aren't the strongest, but what limited finance knowledge i do have (hello 2 years of investment banking, what what!) tells me that these are not a good investment. however, since this is NOT a boring finance blog, but rather, a fun fashion blog, the bad investment sneaks are prominently featured below - enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. your years of banking have certainly paid off!!! goodbye sandro, hellooooo sound purchases. yes to sound[ro] and NO to sandro!
