you know all of those golden rules of fashion you learned a lonnggg time ago - never wear black with brown or never wear black with navy or never wear white after labor day, etc.? well, those are no longer true. the other night, a certain birthday boy was wearing a rather cutely-styled outfit of a black collared sweater with jeans (his fiance would definitely have been proud). when caajKim complimented his look, he sheepishly admitted - "but i'm wearing a brown belt and brown shoes with a black sweater. that's not okay, is it?" IT IS! POWER CLASHING is actually the CAAJ WAY! those rules no longer apply! in my opinion, the more you break those rules, the more caaj you look. (and let's be honest - ultimately, none of the rules matter if you end up putting together a cute outfit that catches the eye of a fashionista such as myself!) some chic power clashing going on below -
so from now on - don't shy away from power clashing. navy blazer with a black skirt? do it. skinny black slacks with dark brown loafers? do it. a brown dress with black tights? guess what - do it! soon, everyone will be power clashing all over and people will look back and think - fashion rules? what rules? so be part of making history - embrace the power clash.
oh my goodness is this really so? i did not know that the old rule regime had been toppled. i've been living under the outdated rules against power clashing for so long... so very long without realizing that i was free. but now i know, hoorayyyyyy! thank you, caajkim. you deserve a liberation award.